Hochkant Film, Video Production

Hochkant Film uses Archiware P5 to secure its unique film data
Producing spectacular videos for their customers is the main goal of Hochkant. The premium customers primarily come from the automotive sector, although there are also customers from the food, beauty and corporate sectors that Hochkant has acquired since 1999. With a team of up to 25 permanent and freelance employees, the company offers comprehensive services from concept and planning to shooting and post-production, audio and compositing.
Premium video for premium customers
To create high-end products for their customers, all production steps are carried out in-house at the highest quality level. Worldwide filming in 70 countries to date is as much a part of this as editing, composing, VFX and audio recording in the company's own recording studio.
Depending on requirements, the production team also includes world-famous directors. Production formats currently range up to 8K and 6K360. The target formats include everything that is currently available as a playback platform, from mobile phones to cinema projection.

The Setup
- P5 Archive
- P5 Backup
- 8 editing suites macOS: Premiere, Avid, Resolve
- 5 compositing stations PC
- Elements Storage
- Spectra Logic Stack 80 Slot Tape Library with 3 LTO-8 drives
"Almost every day, data is retrieved from our archive to be integrated into new productions, to serve as a reference or to be handed over to our customers. Long-term archiving is done on LTO tape with off-site storage for maximum durability and security. P5 offers enough flexibility to secure and archive future data growth."
Archive & Backup with Archiware P5

Each year 30-50 productions result in up to one hundred clips and up to 15TB per shoot. With P5 Backup, the backup of valuable data is automatic. The processing is done by an Elements Bolt Storage with 260TB capacity.
P5 Archive plays a central role because customers want to access previous productions and therefore need to be able to find them quickly. Almost every day, data is retrieved from the archive to be integrated into new productions, to serve as a reference or to be handed over to customers.
Long-term archiving is done on LTO tape with off-site storage for maximum durability and security.
P5 offers enough flexibility to secure and archive future data growth. From the editing suite to network and storage and, of course, backup and archiving, dve advanced systems from Aschheim realized a unique workflow in close cooperation with the customer.
Hochkant Film GmbH & Co.KG
80636 Munich