P5 At TV Aparecida, Brazil

How TV Aparecida modernized workflow in production and post production with the expertise of Drivesys

With 12 years of history, TV APARECIDA stands out among the 14 largest television networks in Brazil, according to ANATEL. According to Ricardo Feltrin's column (UOL), it is the 7th most watched open-air television channel in the country. Its diversified programming ranges from religious contents to cultural, educational, journalistic, sports, musical, feminine programs, live broadcasts, films and children's cartoons.
Meeting the needs
With the growth of TV, there was a clear need for a solution that would contribute to the workflow, TV had a solution at the capacity limit and needed to grow storage quickly. They had to save their editing station team’s time and optimize the workflow. Reaching a higher level of security of their files was also extremely important.
“The need to have a storage for sustained speed and traffic of our full HD productions had arisen. We had already researched several options in expo-fairs and websites. I have partners working with me here who already knew Odécio and Drivesys from implementations they already did in other TV stations. We needed a great solution to achieve agility in our production, so the choice of solution and partner was essential for the success of the project.”
Eng. Paulo Borsatti - Technical Operational Manager
The Project
- Multiple streams Full HD 220Mb and above in real time
- Integration with LTO Archive
- Flexibility to create multiple storage pools
- Access control to the storage pools (User & Password)
- Multiple streams of Full HD Proxies for review
- Fiber Channel and Ethernet connections to the storage pools
- 192TB storage capacity
- Collaborative Full HD editing stream
- Assets collection
- Data security
- Access permissions to Online and offline media

High Perfomance Shared Storage
For editing stations with Adobe Premiere, where performance requirements are higher, connections go from the stations to a
Facilis Technology Terrablock 24D using ATTO Technology's Fiber Channel solutions HBAs Celerity 8Gb and Fiber Channel Switch 8Gb.
Review and edit in Low Res
For the review and approval editing stations, the connection to the storage is done via Ethernet. They are using Terrablock Manager as well, which allows for enhanced access to the storage, with specific permissions and performance.
Redundant Connectivity
Editing stations connected via Fiber Channel are redundantly connected via Ethernet. If there is any problem with the fiber card, cable or switch, the ethernet connection ensures that data is always available for the editing station. In addition to 4x links of 1Gbe operating in Load Balance, the system also simultaneously offers multiple 10Gbe links, allowing high performance and scalability also while operating via ethernet.
Long Term Archive
For the secure storage of the offline media an LTO 6 archive system was implemented the Tandbergdata, and Archiware P5 Archive. DriveSys engineers, together with the local technical team responsible for the TV network’s archive, customized the database to include custom metadata fields for the archived projects. This way, a database with easy access via web, reduce the search and restore time of assets, helping to monetize assets created by the TV.
The Result
The project was a success, delivering a solution that met 100% and exceeded expectations. According to Eng. Paulo Borsatti, there were many benefits of this project including:
- Agility in the delivery of programs, thus achieving greater control over media
- Reduced restore and archive times, monetizing created assets
- Faster speed of the Terrablock system, which optimizes collaboration between editing stations, reducing time and money spent on the productions
- Low maintenance and easy management of Terrablock
- Offline media management integrated to the editing station and, with Archiware P5, archival of the finished media, achieving more collaboration and streamlining the workflow.

“We were pleased with Drivesys all along, with their delivery, training and support. This project allows Tv Aparecida to overcome several significant challenges and ensure the continuous and effective success of the network. I do not see our partnership ending here. ”
Odécio Pavan, Drivesys.
About Drivesys
Drivesys is a Brazilian systems integrator, focused on the Broadcast, Production, and Post-production markets. Founded in 2010, Drivesys is based in São Paulo and provides solutions and specialized services across Brazil, enabling its clients to differentiate themselves in the market.
TV Aparecida