Editors in Control of Archive

Archiware P5 used to Back up, Archive automatically and manually
When the P5 Archive App with its right-click archive became available, WorkSafeBC was ready to immediately take advantage of this simplification of archiving. Additional watch folder Archiving and Backup where also adopted.

„Having the P5 Archive app means they do not need the IT Administrator to archive old projects to save room, nor do they need help from IT to restore the files they need. They click on the files in the filesystem and archive or restore, as needed. Easy, and straightforward.“
Jonathan Peyton, Media Producer, WorkSafeBC
Image: Archiving from the macOS Finder with the P5 Archive App
WorkSafe BC
WorkSafe BC is the largest producer of health and safety media in the world, producing over 150 videos a year, 24 million views were surpassed 2015. The A/V section of WorkSafeBC produces educational videos, documentaries, commercials, and dramas on the topic of workplace health and safety.
WorkSafeBC is dedicated to promoting workplace health and safety for the workers and employers of British Columbia, consults with and educates employers and workers and helps to enforce the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. In the event of work-related injuries or diseases, WorkSafeBC works with the affected parties to provide return- to-work rehabilitation, compensation, health care benefits, and a range of other services.
Why we use P5 Archive:
“Use of P5 Archive to automate the daily archiving of new camera archives to tape is an immense time saving from the manual procedure of burning these to Blu-ray Discs. The Canon C300 mark II, has cards now too big to easily burn on even dual layer Blu-ray Discs. Watch folder archiving with P5 to tape is easy and automatic. It needs no intervention from the editors.”
Why we use the P5 Archive app:
“Using the P5 Archive app allows the editors to send a project to Archive when they know it is complete. Safe in the knowledge that the Archive link files stay in the Xsan2/Archive folder ready to be restored with a simple right click. They can restore an entire project folder, the Final Cut Pro project files or just supporting media files. Easy to find quickly and easy to restore.”
Best practice
3 copies on disk (RAID), on disk (Xsan) and on LTO tape. To achieve the Best Practice goal of 3 copies of all camera material, P5 Backup creates a copy on RAID and P5 Archive creates a copy on LTO tape.

Project Archive workflow
Current projcts edited on Xsan1 when completed moved to Xsan2 = nearline archive until inactive.
Inactive projects -> archived to tape with the P5 Archive App by an editor.
Camera Archive workflow
Final Cut Pro X used to create verified bit-by-bit copies of camera cards, called FCP X Camera Archives. Camera archives stored on Xsan2. This location is set up as a watch-folder for P5 Archive which will archive any camera archives on a twice a day schedule.
Additionally Pro Res media is created from these Camera Archives for the current Projects backed up daily by P5 Backup. Camera Archives are not deleted on disk when archived to tape.

Jonathan Peyton – the creative leader of the A/V section is often referred to as the Steven Spielberg of the health and safety video industry.
Jonathan Peyton, Media Producer, Audio/Visual
Phone: 604.992.3997
6951 Westminster Hwy, Richmond,
BC Phone - Office: 604.279.7507
Mat X Network Consultants specializes in setting up high-speed storage networks to enable collaborative workflows for video production. With a focus on Backups, Archive and video asset management, they enable clients to work better and feel safer with their day-to-day working video data. Managing the Mac workstations used in creative production enables maximum efficiency of the production team with security and full confidence that the tools they need for their work are looked after by a company that knows the media and entertainment industry.
Phone: 778-837-1036 mat@matx.ca