Important Notes P5 Version 6.x

Please read our Upgrade FAQ and the following notes carefully before updating to version 6, as they contain important information about any necessary changes in the affected installations.

Important Notes for Upgrading to P5 Version 6.x

1. New user and group administration

In previous versions of P5, the user and password were authenticated by the operating system. As of version 6, authentication takes place against users and passwords stored in the P5 configuration. Therefore passwords must be set within the P5 administration after an upgrade.

  • The new 'admin' account
    If it doesn't already exist, a user named 'admin' with password 'admin' is added following an upgrade to version 6. The login screen prompts to use this account initially. New installations also include this 'admin' user. Logging in as 'admin' allows creation of new users and groups.
    Change this default password directly after the update. Within the P5 admin GUI, you can change the password for the current user via the 'P5' menu - top right.
  • Passwords for existing users
    All users already created in version 5.x are still available after updating to version 6. Any username previously used to login will have been added to the user list. Passwords for each of these users should be set by double clicking on the user in the list.
  • P5 server-client authentication
    Since the new user management is also used for P5 client/server connections, any P5 clients that your P5 server connects to will also need to have a password set on the client side, and the client connection setting updated on the server.
    Login to the P5 admin GUI on each P5 client using the 'admin' user after upgrade. Select 'Agent Setup' from the 'P5' menu and then 'User Preferences' to the left. Set a password for the user used by the server to connect. Update the client settings on the server to use this new password.

2. From version 6 on, the original owners, groups and access permissions are recovered during restore. In comparison, in version 5 the GUI user was entered as owner and groups. (If the GUI user was known as a user on the target system of the restore.)

3. The automatic P5 client update function has been removed. Clients must now be updated manually.

4. The possibility of a specified or dedicated restore path has been removed from the user and client settings. These configuration items have been moved to the group settings.

5. The operating system groups in the login areas and archive plans are created as new groups in P5 during the update. The users already created are assigned to these new groups.

macOS Catalina 10.15

Due to Apple's new privacy restrictions in macOS Catalina 10.15 for files and folders containing personal data, P5 cannot back up some files from apps like Contacts, Photos, and Mail. To allow Archiware P5 to access private data again, please follow the instructions in this Knowledge Base article.

macOS Catalina 10.15

Due to Apple's new privacy restrictions in macOS Catalina 10.15 for files and folders containing personal data, P5 cannot back up some files from apps like Contacts, Photos, and Mail. To allow Archiware P5 to access private data again, please follow the instructions in this Knowledge Base article.