Archiware P5 & CloudSoda

DataIntell was acquired by CloudSoda, making the solution even more powerful. The integration with P5 Archive is part of CloudSoda now.
See what’s on your storage, discover patterns, take control
To run today’s production workflow, several categories of storage are need. The range goes from fast production storage, lower tier and shared storage, long-term archive, to cold storage and cloud. These different kinds are spread out over several devices by multiple vendors with multiple interfaces. Some might be on desks, some rack-mount, some remote, or even in data centres in the cloud. For this reason, it can be called storage landscape. But what happens on these storage devices? How does this change over time? And what cost is incurred?
Benefits of the Solution
- Installed and set up in minutes
- Easy to use web interface
- Backup, Archive and Synchronize solution
- Windows, Mac, Linux and Solaris
- Real-world statistics of usage and capacity
- Simple tracking of files and directories
- Solid storage strategy
- Cost savings and transparency

Archiware P5 already offers some insight into the storage used for Backup and Archive with its overview interface. But what happens on the production storage, on the NAS systems, the SAN, the RAIDs and the cloud storage? This is where CloudSoda comes into play and offers an elegant and comprehensive insight into the present state and dynamics over time. Whether it’s the file count, the total size or the growth over time, CloudSoda displays all information in detail in the browser. With its P5 Archive integration, it even displays data about the Archive storage used by P5 Archive.
To control cost, CloudSoda offers calculation of the cost of any storage, allowing the user to track expenses and adjust accordingly. A scan for duplicate files shows the potential to delete files and free up space. Files that have not been touched in month, “cold data”, can and should be moved to the Archive. Files and directories that are spread over several storage devices can be tracked as a project: something that has been near impossible before.

With CloudSoda, the complete storage landscape becomes transparent. Decisions on expansion and storage strategy have a solid foundation based on real-world statistics of usage and free capacity. The resulting cost savings and transparency start to pay off immediately and even more so in the long run when planning for the future. Efficient expansion where storage is actually needed most becomes easier. Operation of the storage improves from the reduced file count and removed duplicates from clear usage patterns and daily overview and analysis.
The decision which files to migrate to the archive becomes rational and clear. This way, the cold archive storage on LTO tape can play out its cost benefits to the max and pay off. CloudSoda is a powerful companion to Archiware P5. Where P5 takes care of the backup, replication and archive to protect all files, CloudSoda offers automatic monitoring over the complete storage landscape.

Beginning with the release of version 1.7, CloudSoda offers deeper integration with P5 Archive. CloudSoda helps to find files that have not been used for months and save considerable amounts of storage when moving those files to the Archive. Any files identified via search can be sent to P5 Archive for long-term preservation.
Creating maximum transparency about what happens on a multitude of storage devices is now complemented with an extremely easy way to archive files from within CloudSoda and re-claim space on production storage.