EditShare Flow &
Archiware P5 Archive

The popular Flow suite uses P5 Archive for long-term media protection
Production storage constantly fills up faster than expected. Files need to be kept and protected for reference, re-use, monetisation and compliance. Archiving serves all of these purposes. And as a data migration, archiving moves files from production storage to long-term archive storage, freeing up space immediately.
- Archive and restore triggered within Flow interface
- Integration is included in Flow
- Archiware P5 with browser interface and auto-detection
- Runs on macOS, Windows, Linux, Synology, QNAP & NETGEAR
- Archive to Disk, Tape or Cloud storage
- Works with single tape drives and libraries of all vendors
- Includes tape cloning for maximum security and offsite storage
- Tape parallelisation with multiple drives for maximum throughput

EditShare makes this extremely easy with the integration of Archiware P5 Archive into their Flow suite. The user simply triggers an archive process in Flow to move files out of the way. They are marked in Flow as archived and can easily be called back whenever needed. Production storage is easier to manage with only files remaining online which are used in ongoing production. All previous productions can be archived and the space cleared.
But P5 Archive offers much more than a simple file migration. P5 Archive moves data to disk, tape or cloud storage, supporting any storage strategy. However, in most cases, LTO tape has the most benefits and the best price per capacity.
LTO tape is the most proven long-term storage medium available today. Plus, it is the most cost-effective medium per TB. For these reasons, virtually all major corporations use it in their data centres and for long-term preservation.

Benefits of LTO Tape
- Best cost per TB
- Best long-term protection with 30 years shelf life
- Best protection from malware by air gap and offlining
- Scales easily to handling Petabytes
- Scalable throughput through drive parallelisation