OpenDrives & Archiware P5

Best Protection for Production Storage – OpenDrives Offers Integrated Archiware P5
Experience the best data protection and real-time performance for production storage with OpenDrives and Archiware P5. Founded by media and entertainment professionals to solve data storage challenges, OpenDrives is a global provider of enterprise-scale, software-defined NAS storage solutions, with a roster of customers that reads like a who’s who of broadcast and production.

High-end productions are resource-intensive and demand storage that is robust and fast. Yet, at the same time there is a need for simplicity and easy configuration and handling. The modular system by OpenDrives is designed to power digital media workflows with the simplicity of a NAS system, but the performance of a SAN. They are specialists in optimising file systems for throughput, so that production runs as smoothly as possible on their storage. OpenDrives’ award-winning Atlas Core software (version 2.5 & up) supports Archiware P5 running as a containerized application – offering archive, backup, and cloning workflows.
Archiware P5 offers cloning/replication with P5 Synchronize for time critical data. P5 Backup offers automatic Backup to disk and cloud storage. P5 Archive with its MAM like feature set is the solution for long-term archive to re-use, reference and monetise media assets that have already been produced.
As an additional benefit, file count and number of projects on the production storage remain on a reasonable level due to the migration of finished projects to the Archive. This way, Archiware P5 protects ongoing production and finalised files with a “single source of truth” where all completed projects and assets can be browsed, found and restored easily.

Protects productions storage: Backup, Archive or Sync to lower tier storage and/or S3.
P5 Features
- Versions and snapshots
- Interruptible backup
- Rename detection
- User restore
- Offsite storage
- Disk and cloud storage
- Customisable metadata fields and menus
- Thumbnails and proxies
- Combined search, storable
- Disk and cloud Storage
- Scales to PB and millions of files