Strawberry & Archiware P5

Easy archiving, directly from the Production Asset Management
In complex production workflows, keeping things just simple is crucial for overall productivity. Creatives constantly lose time in trying to find the most relevant asset or "that project from last year." As a side effect, the same creatives have to deal with manual and error-prone organization of Terabytes or even Petabytes of shared storage. The creative process gets side- tracked by time-consuming system maintenance tasks. That’s why Production Asset Management (PAM) systems like Strawberry are so invaluable. They take away the task of manual media organization while providing a unified workflow layer that enables creatives to create, find and share media assets or even entire projects easily. As Strawberry is always "aware" which media is used by which project, deciding what can be archived is no longer a guessing game.
Advantages of the solution
- Archive & Restore Strawberry managed projects from within Strawberry user interface
- Browse thumbnails and proxies in P5 archive using Strawberry application or web browser
- Create Strawberry archive strategies using Archive Plans in P5
- Archive Strawberry projects to LTO, Disk and Cloud
- Simultaneously search through archived and online content
- Reduce storage costs by easily removing projects off expensive production storage
- Professional long-term storage on LTO tape
- Tape cloning for offsite storage
- Parallelization for higher performance using multiple tape drives
- One Solution for all Platforms

Projective Strawberry is an award-winning Production Asset Management (PAM) software that combines state of the art project sharing and project management for a wide range of creative applications and platforms. The philosophy behind Strawberry is that editors should spend less time searching for content while having more time focusing on the story at hand and being creative. It literally is a workflow tool that helps creatives to create, share and organize projects and assets with an entirely new approach.
Archiware P5 Archive, Archiware’s fully featured archive software, can be used stand-alone or as the archiving backend for Asset Management systems thanks to its integration friendly interface. In order to offer maximum data security, the feature set of P5 Archive includes a cloning option, creating duplicate sets of tapes for off-site storage or a clone of the archive in the cloud. For LTO tape, the parallelization feature provides scalability regarding performance and number of archive/restore jobs running simultaneously.

Archiving from the Projective interface
The Strawberry Archiware Connector is a preset integration between Strawberry and P5 that enables customers using Strawberry to easily archive and retrieve their editing projects to P5 archive plans. Entire Strawberry projects can be sent to or retrieved from the P5 Archive at the click of a mouse. P5 then manages all of the tape processes, including writing, copying and externalizing the tape media. Archived content remains visible and searchable from within the Strawberry GUI. Proxies are scrubbable so that editors and producersknow what they are retrieving, saving time and eliminating restores of unwanted content. Because users have one unified portal to access online, nearline, and offline content, the archive’s value for production is increased: less content needs to be retained on the production storage, reducing overall storage costs.
Archiware P5 Archive is capable of archiving to Disk, LTO tape and the Cloud, leaving the choice of storage media to the customer. A mixed strategy of storage media is advised. For long-term archive, keep in mind that LTO tape is used by corporations, banks and insurance companies worldwide for long-term data storage.
P5 Archive supports LTO drives and libraries from virtually any manufacturer, making it the ideal solution in any storage environment.